Church Activities
Latvian Evangelical Lutheran United Church of Kalamazoo
Women’s Auxiliary Rules of Operation
All confirmed lady members of the Latvian Evangelical Lutheran United Church are members of the Women’s Auxiliary. The Women’s Auxiliary Leadership Group is elected by the members of the Women’s Auxiliary from amongst its membership. The Leadership Group consists of the chair, secretary and treasurer.
The Women’s Auxiliary is an entity of the congregation and works in concert with the church’s minister, Church Council, the Latvian School, and the Latvian Girl Guide and Latvian Boy Scout organizations. The Chair of the Church Council and the minister may attend the Women’s Auxiliary meetings.
It is the charge of the Women’s Auxiliary to help advance the spiritual and material goals of the church by organizing fundraising and other activities, looking after the well-being of the congregation’s elderly, making visits to the ill and infirm, as well as engaging in other service activities.
The Women’s Auxiliary has sole discretion regarding how it spends its funds. A simple majority is required to adopt resolutions. The Leadership Group Chair calls a meeting of all members of the Women’s Auxiliary for the purposes of electing the Leadership Group. The Leadership Group prepares an annual report of activities. The Women’s Auxiliary books are audited by the Church Audit Committee. The Women’s Auxiliary Rules of Operation are approved by the Church’s Council.
Should the Women’s Auxiliary ever dissolve, all of its documents and assets revert to the Church’s Council.
BIBLE STUDY – Bible study is provided monthly, and 12-15 congregation members regularly attend. We discuss various interesting, in depth topics, which lead us to understand Biblical interconnections. We are not afraid to ask questions, and we critically analyze and try to understand the Bible in depth. Church Father Origen taught that there are four levels of how we can read and understand the Bible. The first level – Understanding the text literally. Reading the text as a chronicle and historical fact. Reading at this level implies that what happened is „outside of me”, the information is about the trials and tribulations and situations that affected someone else historically. The second level- Moral level, which means we read the Bible learning what others did and what their actions and reactions expressed. Reading the Bible at this level leads us to questions about our actions and reactions. The third level – Symbolical and allegorical reading and understanding of the text. This level exposes the main motive and pattern of the Holy Bible. The fourth level –The mystical level. This is when we begin to comprehend that all the events and feelings come to fruition in us. During our Bible studies we try to touch upon all four levels of analysis. All are welcome to attend Bible study classes.
PRAYER GROUP – “The Well” – This is the sixth year that our prayer group AKA meets on a monthly basis. Our primary goal is to give our congregation’s members the opportunity to meet in a small group to experience a healing atmosphere and to promote reflections and contemplations, allowing all to look deeper within, with honesty and depth. The name “The Well” came from the idea that Jesus had a lengthy heart-to-heart discussion with a Samaritan woman at the well. The well represents our heart, and the water in the well represents the mirror, reflection to our heart. If you honestly and openly look into your heart, what is the reflection that you see? How do you look at yourself and at your life? It is vital that Jesus is close to your heart, close to your well, as He can change the way you see things and life. All are welcome to attend!
EXERCISE CLASSES—A healthy body, a healthy spirit. Dr. Edite Balks – Walter leads the exercise class every Tuesday morning. Exercise and activities which promote a healthy body and mind are offered to all congregation members.
CHILDREN’S SUNDAY MORNINGS – The Kalamazoo Latvian school’s children come to Sunday services during the first part of the service. The pastor always prepares a special talk for children leading them into open discussions and activities, allowing the children to experience and understand the day’s designated gospel message. During the children’s message, they congregate at the altar, as that is designated as “our meeting place”.
SENIOR CITIZEN CARE – Diana Karklins is our senior citizen care coordinator. Every senior who is 80+ years old is assigned a church member who regularly calls or visits. Every December we organize a senior lunch, with a special program, at which time we thank the seniors for all that they have done to support and help our congregation.
FELLOWSHIP HOUR –Twice a month everyone is welcome to take part in the fellowship hour after church services. Coffee and refreshments are served, along with fellowship and sharing. The Ladies Auxiliary sponsors soup lunches two or three times a year. Proceeds are donated to charities in Michigan and Latvia.
ACTIVITIES – Whenever possible, we organize Harvest festival lunches as a fundraiser, a Christmas program which includes caroling and Santa Claus, Easter breakfast, Pancake breakfasts, and Themed lectures.